a new smell

Word Count → 315

She had seen this scenario far many more times than she could count; the words for those numbers did not exist within Kaena's mind. This was not to say she had ceased to be surprised or impressed. She had lived a long time, but she was not so jaded that she had ceased to find new wonder in the world. When that happened, the Centurion rather thought she would have preferred death and silence. So long as there was still some newness to the world, life was certainly still worth living. Age had altered her perspective on death, naturally -- the silver-shaded coyote certainly did not court death as she had in reckless youth. Now she ran, best as she could -- it would seem in creating something for herself, she had given herself reason to live and thus, reason to fear death. There was no avoiding the inevitable forever, though.

The hybrid's head dipped forward, a sign of respect toward the old woman. As always, such signs were both relished and hated; she could not help the puff of wolfish pride rising within her, and yet she disliked that pride just as much for the sheer fact that it was wolfish instinct calling. “Inferni,” she responded. “I am Kaena Lykoi, Centurion of it. Do you seek to join us, then?” she responded, business-like and wishing for these encounters to be swift as possible. There was no point to standing around in the freezing cold when he was tired and she was already quite knowledgeable in how these affairs proceeded. Her single eye focused on his adornments, the bird skull around his neck, and the faintest hint of a smile showed on her face. “You'd fit in, wearing that,” she said, reddish nose tipping toward the necklace. “We like our dark style,” the hybrid added, referencing the dangling skulls decorating the coyote clan's own border.

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