a magician and a heritic

Maybe Ezekiel needed her like she needed him. The mutual bond they shared was clear, but the sunset Luperci had begun to wonder if it was a good one. Did they share the dependency for reasons that benefited the twins, or was their attachment a parasite on the lives they would live otherwise? Ezekiel's presence benefited the unstable female, she knew that. Without Ezekiel, she was so much worse for wear. But without Talitha, she believed her sunrise brother would have flourished into a stronger being, and perhaps a more social one.

Inferni was her world. As days moved on, however, she questioned if it was the right place. "Maybe you shouldn't have come back, Zekie. I'm starting to think this place...isn't right." Her words weren't elaborate, and she knew she could never help someone understand the meaning, but it was there in her mind. Something about her family was emerging to the maturing Lykoi. She saw it most easily in her father, who was so different from her childhood; it was easy to assume she had simply fabricated their moments together in youth, however.

Finally, the princess turned her eyes to her brother's face. He was smiling, but it wasn't the smile she found familiar. His eyes held no cheer. Clutching his fingers, the russet woman leaned forward, pulling her head to the side so that she might give him an affectionate bump on the cheek with her nose. It had been a stupid mistake to confide in the male; clearly, she had only served to upset something in him. Once more, she failed to offer comfort to her family.


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