a magician and a heritic
She's mostly gonna eat now. Gotta feed the awkward anorexic, ch'know? *waves the magic thread-end stick*

Without an answer to her question, the world she lived in tilted to the side just a bit more. She had never experienced a crisis of faith, always blindly believing in the same God as the golden male beside her, but that seemed to be coming to a close. He offered nothing stable, nothing fair. Hardships had proven that to be fact. All her life, things were wrong. Gabriel had sent them away, and she had returned to be with him, which prompted the loss of something she would have otherwise kept. No longer was the damaged girl prone to naivety, or true innocence in her opinions of the world. Andrezej had destroyed that part of her, but opened up a dependence that hadn't been there.

The tears faded as quickly as they'd come, watching Ezekiel's hands turn the meat and listening to his words. They offered comfort in the most minuscule scale. As soon as the shape of the charred meat was passed to her, she sat and backed against the wall. Her teeth tore into the food without regards for decency, not worried if her brother watched her scarf down a meal. She was so hungry, it didn't matter.


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