Why does it always rain on me
300+ Sososo sorry for the wait Sad failibri <3 also, this thread is probably done, ja?
[html]<style type="text/css">#ásmundrdec29 b {color:#4b525d; font-weight:bold;} #ásmundrdec29 {margin:auto; width:455px; padding:10px; padding-bottom:150px; border:1px solid #fff; background:url(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... enshot.png) bottom no-repeat #8d9297; font:12px georgia; color:#bec0c3; line-height:12px; text-align:justify;}</style>

       She was wary of the hope blossoming within her chest, pushing against ribcage walls and enveloping her pulsing heart. No taste would ever be as good as she wanted it to be, experience had told her, but untainted happiness wished to flow through her blue veins nevertheless. But what if he too was destroyed somehow? Nothing good seemed able to remain in her life. Silas was a wildcard that had driven her on for a long time now, and she knew that everything good eventually had to end. But what use was there to fear to lose him before she even had him? She should stop thinking so much, for worrying about everything had never helped her.

She did feel bad as she devoured the words she offered. Could it be that she actually had a problem with kindness from others? She knew what she was and rarely offered others any courtesy, and therefore she never expected anything of the sort in return, except for visible respect and accept back if the other was beneath her in rank. But she did not want to show this male the less attractive colours of her personality. But did that mean that she was not herself fully whenever he was around? She could not stop pondering about that, but she never managed to find an answer.

The genuine smile complimenting her face could light up the room with its intensity. ”I would love to stay.” Fingers cradled together, longing for something entirely else than the warm ball of damp fur she was holding in her lap. The silent yearning she felt was not hidden from her scarlet eyes as she let herself drown in blue. Halo had forced distance on the two of them, but this was a new chance that she knew she wanted to take. She had many unprocessed problems, but she still knew who she wanted. No more mistakes. She wouldn’t allow it.

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