Snowstorm Thread - Time Kills Slowly

table by Silver!OOC: Late late late >.< WC:617

Fallen had made it to Sky's house, and was simply sitting on the floor, smelling his herbs to see if they weren't rotting, and eating a bit of catnip to calm his nerves. There were many in her house, and it was uncomfortably crowded. He was in a corner almost the whole time, he could actually get some space when he was in a corner. He looked at some people, many of them unfamiliar, he only reconized Sky and Shawchert, Ouija was no where to be seen, the colorful male wasn't there. Fallen wondered where he could be, but he let it slip out of his mind. He watched others, but his eyes mostly landed on Sky. He wondered if she was ok after the incident that had happened. He still didn't exactly know what had happened, was it fake child birth? Well, at least it was over now. Fallen's ears then perked, as he remembered he wouldn't be staying in this house very long. He was going to go to a less crowded house, a bit more peaceful. He was supposed to follow "Mars" Which, if he could remember right, introduced himself. He was half black and half white, how unique. Fallen flipped his bangs lightly, and scratched his ear as he stood up. He saw the door open, and cold wind rushed in, as Fallen braced himself against the cold, tightening the jacket around him. He nodded to Shawchert and Sky, before following out the door.

The wind whipped his bangs, revealing the empty socket he hated to show, but most of them most likely couldn't see it, the wind was throwing snow, he could barely see his own hand. He saw the moving figures before him, and followed them, slowly and steadily. The wind and snow hit him with brute force, he was freezing. He wrapped the coat around him a bit tighter, and he wondered when the cold would stop. His answer soon came. Mars stopped at a house, and started to open the door. He clicked his tongue, a bit inpatient, but he tried to do it quietly, so he didn't seem disrespectful.

He followed the small group into the house, and sighed in relief. It was warmer in here, and roomier. He reached into his bag, and retrieved a green blanket, and wrapped himself up in it, before he settled onto the couch, his arm resting on one of the sides. His eyes wandered to every person, with a slight head tilt. He fixed his bangs before he came in, so that was good. He sighed to himself, wrapping the warm blanket around himself tightly. This house was nice, Fallen would like a house, he just... wasn't sure. He had never had a house before.

Fallen heard a soft voice as Mars spoke of not being able to use the fire, and he simply nodded. He rustled a bit, and made himself a bit more comfortable, until he heard the soft echo of strings in his ear. Fallen's head jerked quickly, to see what had made the noise. A guitar. A white one. Fallen calmed himself, he thought it had been a violin for a moment. He relaxed on the couch, watching Mar's curiously with his single teal eye. He heard him introduce himself again, and also added that he didn't know any of them. Fallen gave a small chuckle, he didn't know anyone either. He figured he might as well introduce himself too.

"Um... Well... I am Fallen, a violinist... Pleasure to meet you."

He spoke with his smooth and calm voice, his eye wandering around the room carefully, hearing the wind outside whip around the sturdy house.

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