my sunshine

table © Sie

Perhaps the woman was more delirious than he had first considered. She seemed to think him - him! - funny, which was completely absurd, seeing as he was the one saving her life. What was more, Caillen thought in wonderment, she didn't seem the least bit afraid of him a'tall! The gentle giant was truly confused over this, as he genuinely believed himself to be a rather formidable sight (having never seen his own goofish smile, of course). It was bewildering, but somewhat of a relief, as the wolfdog had absolutely no wants to be dealing with a hysterical Lady. He knew better than most how dangerous women could be when they thought themselves under threat, and simply by gazing on this beautiful mistress he could tell that she would be no exception.

And, truth be told, had she wished to fight him Caillen would have stood little chance. In spite of his immense size and somewhat over-endowed natural weaponry, the Wolfdog was a lover, not a fighter. He didn't know the first thing about defensive or aggressive maneuvers, and would never even attempt to retaliate unless he hurt her accidentally. His anger had got the better of him once before - he could still see Daisuke's blanched face as his massive white fist connected with the handsome golden head, sending the man's eyes reeling straight back up into his skull - and Cai had developed an utter loathing for that violent part of himself, and an utter phobia of having it released once more.

Baffled as he was by the russet-hued damsel, it seemed she was in genuine need of his assistance. Considering his craving for company, the young man was more than obliged to give it to her. There was something worrying about the deep vibrant crimson of her eyes, but although it made him sensibly wary, the gentle giant did not recall why they seemed familiar. His memories were already blurred by the passage of time and events, and he cared little to revive them, happy instead to slide into a new mentality.

Her reply brought him back to the present, and ice-blue eyes widened as he found himself the object of warmth for the Lady's slender, attractive frame. For a moment, Caillen remained stiffened, unsure of the appropriate way to react to her sudden intrusion of his personal space. However, her frame was very cold against his much warmer, plush pelt, and the brute found himself very delicately putting one lean, muscular arm about her. He remained awkward for a moment more, but the woman's obvious lack of concern over the proximity of their bodies finally allowed him to relax. "Talitha," He tasted her name in that baritone swell of accent, and was pleased by the way it felt on his tongue. Talitha. "Is a pleasure tae meet you, Lady, only would I wish t'were on better terms!" It was a lucky thing that he had found her, Caillen decided. It would be a loss to the entire world to have had her die out there, alone. Death was a miserable thing.

Growing more comfortable in her presence by the minute, and also bleakly aware of how lovely she felt curled against him and how lucky he was to be in this unusual situation, Caillen cleared his throat, settling with a more serious expression. It looked strange on his usually mirthful face. "If ye don' mind me asking, Lady; What are ye doing out here? This ain't no place tae come wandering alone, Miss, excuse me for saying. Lord knows what would'a happened had you been in that snow fer much longer."

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