my sunshine

table © Sie

Her sudden coldness confused the gentle giant. She rose swiftly, and he release her instantaneously, rising at a much slower pace but leaving a generous space between their two bodies. What had he done? The handsome brute starved his minds for some offensive detail he had left out - Maybe she had just now decided that he was not worthy of her presence? It seemed a suitable conclusion, and following her next words, the male felt instantly guilty to have assumed he could enjoy her presence in such a manner as to touch her. "I am sorry, Lady," He muttered, gaze downcast and ears flopped dejectedly to show that he was utmost contrite. Of course she was right - Of course she should not be here, with such an oaf as he.

For a moment, he swore that Talitha looked defeated by something - Small, fragile, shielding herself by folding her arms in such a way. He wanted to take away whatever it was that was making her unhappy, and if that was his presence, so be it. But, first, he had promised her food, and the gallant soul that Caillen was would surely fulfil his offer if she so wished it. It seemed the beautiful russet female did, for following with his thoughts she gestured to the white world beyond their little shelter. "Yes, Miss," The primed male spoke obediently. Caillen nodded his affirmation, sullen spirits lifting slightly. So be it, that she could not withstand his presence for long, but at least he might enjoy her company a little longer.

He strode out into the crisp white, and then, with much an air of gentry, offered the Lady his ivory arm. If she was weakened by her previous episode in the snow, then at least she would be able to lean on it for support and balance. If Talitha found that she could not travel far, then Caillen was surely willing to carry her, wherever it was she wished to go. He smiled wolfishly large white teeth, not knowing them to be a part of the flaw that had made her upset. His wolf blood was not thought of - As far as Caillen was concerned, he considered himself a dog, through and through. Knowing of his father's deeds made the boy keen to forget that aspect of his heredity.

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