folly of the blind man
I actually had a post written up but my computer reset itself last night and lost it. << So this it better!
     He splayed his toes to walk over the snow, but it was not yet packed and his feet sunk into the drifts. The golden boy grunted, stamping out paths as he went. It was not his first winter, nor was it the first time he had been in a blizzard. Still, the sheer amount of snow was ridiculous. Two seasons with the northerners had taught him much, however. With each step he took he followed deer trails, forging his own atop of it, making it broader, more defined. Such paths would be needed for the clan to move with any speed, and Ezekiel had no patience for sitting around or wading through snow.
     A sharp crack in the distance caused him to freeze, but it went quiet soon after. The young man studied the forest, and looked up as a deep groan alerted him to the trees. Amber eyes narrowed and he let out a breath, recognizing the danger for what it was. He had seen it in Quebec once before, during an ice storm. Hopefully, though, there would be less danger here—snow would fall off in most places, he figured.
     There was a sudden terrible noise in the forest of a tree falling, and Ezekiel lifted his head to find the source. When he did not, he moved on; only to hear another, far closer sound up nearby. He abandoned his path for a time, now intent on seeing the whole of the damage. What he smelt almost instantly was blood, and not any stranger’s either. Panic filled him, but the fear warped into anger far too quickly. The golden coyote rushed to the fallen pine, where sweet sap and blood mixed freely in the air. “Talitha!” He shouted, unsure of where she lay.


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