when the devil takes hold
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Aww, feel free to do whatever you need to!

This woman was strange, admirable in a way, but strange nonetheless. Ravesque seemed to like her though, which meant, like everything else, she would be met with apathy instead of something darker. If she'd known about wicked step-mother's from fairy-tale's, she would have considered this one a member of their little team, but she didn't. Should that day arrive where she knew oft their existence, it would probably be too late, because it wouldn't matter. Scorpius was spoken of, a name she knew, but someone she couldn't say she'd actually met. Perhaps a while ago, when she was still deaf and blind to anything and everything. "I'm glad he's doing well," Came her father's response, and a flicker of resentment blossomed within Agony's bright orange eyes. He'd brought her with him, not one of the others, which (she thought) meant he preferred her. Obviously she was wrong. "You're a leader, a good one," Ravesque continued on, filling the lapses in conversation with his own. "And yes, I have a son and another daughter that should be arriving eventually,"

Inwardly grimacing at the tone this woman took with her, Agony fought to bite her tongue (literally and metaphorically) so as so keep from adding blemishes to today's initial meeting. Instead she nodded, though she severely disagreed. Maybe Naniko wouldn't feel sorry for her, but everyone else seemed to be. It was... Sad. Wolves she'd never met could feel things for her that she couldn't feel for someone she'd known her entire life, that shared her blood. It seemed redundant to apologize to the large, snow colored woman, but as she was going to, her father nudged her gently. No, now wasn't the time.

Speaking of snow, it seemed as if there had been some recent problems with the cold element. Thinking about being crushed in her sleep, crushed by dark and cold, seemed familiar. She liked it here, in the mountain. Thankfully her father agreed, because at Naniko's query as to whether they were seeking permanent shelter, he answered simply, "Yes, we are," And lifted his daughter to carry her with him after Anathema's leader.

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