Subtleties were often lost on the broad-shouldered Italian male, and the fact that he had wounded his lover escaped his notice entirely. Instead, there were two parts despair at her not needing him, but there was one part pride as well. Maria, his strong, beautiful Maria; his, whom he had no intention of sharing. "Approvazione. Approvare poi, tenteremo. Sarà un'avventura." Giu realized he had been easily swayed, a product of relief and loneliness. He also did not mind. Giu smiled, and squeezed her hand. A thousand questions might be bubbling on his tongue, but found no place in the serene evening. The fish were done cooking, and it was time to eat.

Tomorrow was a new day, and would bring around new challenges. Tomorrow, decisions would need to be made; decisions of the important and rational sort. Tonight... tonight was a night for emotion, and quiet, and peace.


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