In Safety's Grip
Her eyes were wiped away with the floppy red ear of her stuffed doggy. She was an adult, but mentally she still felt like a puppy, a defenseless confused pup. When her eyes moved to look back toward him, she took in his nose as it came forward to gently touch her cheek. Her tail gave a light wag and she blushed a little as her mind registered his words. He too would like more time with one another. Her chest felt a weight, a heavy weight that no matter how big of a gulp she took, air just wouldn't fill her lungs enough to lift away the weight.

Ookami had more to say, more to answer, and when he did, the words were suddenly twisted to love. He didn't just like her a lot...Ookami..he..he loved her. Adonia suddenly felt a chill run over her body, but it wasn't really cold, if anything it was hot, and the fire ensured that. Her ears went back and she tried to process all of this. She tried to search her feelings. Every word mattered now, every reaction mattered more. She wanted to shift forms, she wanted to play around Ookami and lick his cheek to tell him, she too..just may be in love with him, but the feelings were so strong and unfamiliar they scared her. She feared love. The strong emotion had high risks of pain and she wasn't a stranger to abandonment and pain.

Her head bowed and she looked over to Ookami, "I..I think I love you too...I'm..I'm just nervous...and would like to take everything slowly..if---if that is okay with you..Ookami.." Her eyes lowered when she spoke, then when she finished and said his name, her eyes looked up and met into his, hoping to read his mind.

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