Heads Carolina, Tails California

She hadn't actually thought of what she wanted to say when she did finally see him again, though she'd had the entire walk to consider things. She first sat up then stood, picking her bag up and replacing it upon her shoulder. Ouija wasn't alone, she noticed, a feline of some sort following along with him. She'd never seen such an animal before and stared at it for a few moments. Did it belong to him, or was it just following? How would it act around newborn pups? She'd have many questions for Ouija.

"I..I'm sorry. I came here to ask to stay. I'm alright, I think." She had become very different since she'd become pregnant, both in attitude and demeanor. Addison looked back at him with uncertainty, crossing her arms. "The tree didn't do anything to me." The girl let one hand stray back down toward her swollen belly, her mouth dry. She'd just have to force the words out. "I'm pregnant."


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