Heads Carolina, Tails California

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Word Count → 306

"I don't run away from my responsibilities. If the pups are mine then I will be there for them and care for them. Even if they weren't mine I would still help you with them if you needed it." Despite his still youngish age he didn't shy away from his commitments. It was just the way in which he was brought up. He had been taught responsibility. He had been taught commitment to his tasks. And by the way that Addison was speaking he would figure that others had lax training. That they weren't forced to stick to their responsibilities. Was the way he was raised really so different from everyone else?

Shaw's words put him off a bit. He didn't see where this pack worked together at all. Each were busy in their own art tasks. This was a pack about art and that is what each contributed and now he was suddenly expecting more. That didn't sit right with him. Not when there was another craftsman that he knew about in this pack and he had never gotten any help in preparing those skins for trade. He couldn't sit idly by for that.

He placed King down off his lap so that he could stand up. "You can't expect a pregnant woman to work hard. I will take care of whatever duties you ask of her." He moved over to stand next to Addison. "Get up Addi, there is no need for all of that." He held out his hand down to her in order to help her up. "You should be resting after such a large travel not being forced to work." Too much stress led to complications. Perhaps Shaw didn't care because they weren't his own but Ouija did. If Shaw was going to force things then Ouija would see to them.

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