Counting Down the Hours
OCC: Don't worry about matching lol sometimes the muse is on sometimes it's not. Mine wasn't this go round x3 sorry

Kami felt no need to answer the grey wolf as his name was uttered from the quiet lips. A slight nod was all he returned to Falgar, while the golden eyes studied the injured wolf as if he was something confusing. The snow at the base of the tree had been stained a deep red with the warm blood of his packmate, the air rising like a steam around the liquid as it sunk into the white powder. The hand was broken, there was no doubt about that. The ivory white of bone was not to difficult to spot as it protruded through the flesh, contrasting clearly against the darkened fur.

With the wind still pushing itself around him, the cold air was beginning to make even the unshakable Kami want to leave this forsaken place. Judging by the hollow and empty voice that was making its way from the normally cheerful muzzle of Falgar he was sure the wolf needed a reprieve from the elements as well. The vacant and almost distant expression that he was receiving from the younger wolf was worrisome. Even as the request met the black wolfs perked ear, he still said nothing. Instead the wolf began to circle Falger as though he was prey, slowly and with an unwavering gaze that never left their target. His eyes searching the blood matted body of his packmate, looking for any other signs of injury.

" No." he stated bluntly as he completed his circle and once again found himself facing the only soul within miles. " I don't think you could open a bottle of whiskey let alone reset a bone in the shape your in. Your just going to make things worse for both of us, so no." he waited for only a moment before turning his back to Falgar. Doing nothing to hide the marking on his tail as he looked over his shoulder, his voice was a bit condescending " If you can show me that you can walk, then I'll think about it.. . .I don't want to have to carry you." With that Kami took a step forward, baiting Falgar. Honestly the black wolf would have liked to of been more empathetic and comforting, but he wanted his injured pack mate to focus.

Anger could be as much a motivator as anything, and getting the blood pumping through the veins of the near frozen wolf through either emotion of just motion was good enough for Kami at the moment. So he waited patiently, pointed in the direction of sanctuary as he hoped Falgar would be able to forgive him when this was all over.

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