Black Light - AW
Word Count→497 :: oochere

One song ended, another began, but this time, Sky was replaced with someone else who'd come to sing. A male. So, the hybrid girl took her bow, greeted the other preformer, then trotted off stage with a sigh and a stretch. She'd sing again later. For now, though, she was off to get a drink at the bar. Just something smooth and easy. Really, she had no taste for hard liquor or beer; both tasted nasty in her opinion.

Martinis though. They were goood.

"Hey John," She greeted as she took a seat at the bar. The 'tender, a large black wolf, smiled at her from behind the counter, cleaning a glass. "Hey beautiful, what'll it be tonight?" Sky had met John at the Snakeskin Lounge, where he'd worked for six months before the damned place had closed down. She'd gone there for the karaoke nights, and the two had become friends.

John had a wife and three kids back home. He was also going into his elderly years. Sky looked up to him like a father, cause the old black brute always had an ear to lend, or advice to give.

"Just a gray goose, please. I'm not feeling the spice tonight." She smiled, and the man nodded, turned away from his keg glass to go about mixing her the drink. She took this chance to swivel in the chair and lean backwards against the bar, looking out at the crowd. Most of the people who'd seen and heard her before kept their distance; they knew better than to flirt with her. She never, ever, went home with anyone. They didn't stand a chance. The one time she'd even remotely spoken to someone, it had been a girl around her age, and the two had decided not to bother going to either place that night. A kiss goodnight, as Sky walked the other to her car, and that had been it.

John came up behind her with the drink, whistling for her attention. The hybrid whirled around and smiled. "Excellent. Just stick it on my tab, and I'll pay it next weekend." She slipped the glass close and took a sip from the murky drink, licking the olive as she placed it back down. John smiled an old man's grin and nodded. "A'ight, Sky-lark. You take care of yourself." And with a slight wave, both went back to their own business.

Sky mused over how well everyone seemed to know her, despite keeping to herself all this time, as she turned to face the crowd again, watching the man on stage with less than a sound amount of interest. It was always the same thing for her, and she'd have it no other way. With how stressful work was, and how boring home was, the clubs were the best part of her routine. Sure, she kept single and whatnot, but she still met good friends at night. It was the good life, with no debate involved.

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