Theft of Pride
[html]Sorry this is late. School got the better of me.

Kieran’s ears perked up slightly as the grey wolf spoke about the previous residents of the area, but his gaze remained on the ocean. Gypsy territory, huh? So, his assumption had been right before. Less than a year ago, he had stumbled upon a little nomadic clan that had welcomed him with open arms. The more he thought about it, the more his assumption seemed correct. The vague familiarity of the lands had bothered him earlier, but now he was sure. The little group had passed through this region before stopping at an area to the north for a little over a week. It stuck out to him, because it was the longest the clan had stayed in one place. And he did remember heading east into Bleeding Souls when he finally left them...

His reminiscing came to an abrupt stop at Zexion’s quick little warning. Carefully, he took a step back from the treacherous shore. He had a good point. Nobody wanted to risk their neck walking around here. “I like it.” As if that fact wasn’t obvious enough with him gawking at the sea the entire time.

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