Theft of Pride
Big GrinD She nodded slowly, focusing on Zexion's voice over the crash of the waves against the rocks so far below. Although the notion that no one had any claims to the land anymore was comforting, who said they might not return and try to take it? Of course, all land was like that - someone had lived there before. Certainly some humans had lived there; they seemed to claim all the land and sea to themselves, then set aside a small pocket of terrain for the animals as an afterthought. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the small frown. This would be their land soon, with all the rights that came with it.

Big GrinD She heeded Zexion's warning, making sure not to stray too far to the edge. She chuckled quietly as Kieran spoke, but it was more his actions that amused her. As soon as Zexion voiced his advice, Kieran took a quick step backwards. Although she had little to say to all this, these new developments, she supposed she owed them something in return. "Yes, it's a little like Jaded Shadows. A mountain overlooking the waters edge. But with a history all its own," she said, smirking faintly. Of course, she would always find a way to tie history into the matter. The past, the present, the future: it was all the same to her.
Table by Mel!

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