I will resume [AW]
extra points 300+

Jace continued to snarl at the black male. He was disgusting, absolutely fucking disgusting in every god damned sense of the word and in all its meaning. Jace was sure that every word that passed through his brain before releasing from his mouth was not screened and was in fact made worse by his morally deprived heart. Every word that he forced into the world made her fur stand up on end and her hackles raise. They made sense this time unlike her last unfortunate encounter with him but that only seemed to concrete her opinion that he was every bit the disturbing and horrible monster that she had assumed him to be from his drunken actions.

She hissed menacingly at him as he moved to stand somewhere near her and then his way was barred by the brave and honorable Ty. Jace looked at Geneva curiously as she backed up towards she and Ookami who had not said anything yet. She felt a swell of gratitude to the beautiful Alpha female in her attempts to seemingly protect her from Lucifer's gaze and line of attack. Jace was confident that should the male attack them that they would all together be more than a match for him. She did not fear him nor would she ever for he was a brute who was worthy of nothing more than the disdain that Geneva had shown him and the pity of those who were more civilized and courteous than he

Her bark of laughter was loud and mocking of Lucifer as Jefferson appeared as though from thin air and rushed the coal demon with a roar of anger. If Lucifer valued his life then he would run and fast, for she could see within the one green and one white eye of their fearless leader, the man's death.

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