(j-leader needed) Patience is a virtue
Aletha waited in the snow and sand, her stomach was swirling in and out of itself, leaving her wanting to gag. Yet to proud to do such a thing she gave noah look for reinsurance then went back to scanning the woods. Out of the blue grey darkness came the alpha. It was obviously clear by the way he held himself and walked even dealing with the pain the fresh wounds she could smell must be causing. The humanoid wolf walked up to them both, his shadow casting down upon them, and he did not look happy. Her eyes met his for the briefest of seconds before she flicked them quickly to his huge feet.
Why did this pack look as if they were at war. Staying at the edges of all the packs she knew there was no such thing in the snow storms and this pack was supposably one of the most peaceful. Know it did not matter she made a commitment by staying at the border now she must follow through.
He stated who he was though it was not needed. Sucking in some air greedily as she fixed up her response. 'respectful and confident' she chided herself.
"You assume correct sir, that is what I intend if it is no great trouble I humbly ask to join. I will do what ever you see fit for me to be accepted." she said staring behind him and into the woods her words still ringing eerily in her own ears. This was it.

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