Cour des Miracles Territory Contest!
To vote, send me a message with the title "Territory Contest Voting!" You may vote for three entries, and you may vote for one of your own. Smile If you need to, you can also text your votes to me if you can't send a PM for any reason and you have my number, or on the off chance 'Souls isn't up and you want to put in your votes, you can Facebook them to me.

The deadline for voting is March 24th!

If you included a picture, then it is linked, as most were only given in the form of a link to an image.

Please remember that these may be altered in any way, shape, or form if used. The name may change, parts of the description might change, or the image given may not be used. Thank you! Smile

Shinshu Temple
Upon nearing the Shinshu Temple, there is an essence of silence. Peace was sought by all those that once journeyed to pray within the walls of the Great Hall, and of those dedicated to the Four Noble truths that lived within the Monastery. Though now the silence no longer comes from the quiet souls who once occupied this revered temple but from the awe and reverence held by those rare visitors lucky enough to find it.

A structure built to replicate those in its native Japan, the temple is comprised of weather worn wood with peaked roofs. Its paint had been chipped and washed away, the once ornate design faded but still recognizable to those that look close enough. An intact rust red bridge leads one over the pond that sits before the temple, and in summer lily pads, ducks and swans call the small mirror lake home. Statues and paintings line the walls of the Great Hall along with the written doctrine of those who once worshiped here.

Kcuaiota Drop
Potential image.
An oasis that is surrounded by large, pale rocks. On the other side of the rocks is the beach and ocean. The oasis is also surrounded by palm trees and various pines. Crystal clear water is bordered dotted with sea grass and bushes that grow berries in the spring. The rocks and sparse trees wrap around only the back of the oasis and extend to the front where they break to open into a dense forest.

Sugar Glass Caverns
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A cavern type underground valley. Sugar Glass can be reached by traveling down any of the gentle, grassy slopes that lead underground. Inside, the caverns are mostly rock but covered in moss, grass, and vines. Occasional flowers sprout where the cutouts at the top filter light through. A few streams glide in from a few of the top entrances and have collected in a slow moving stream that wraps around the far edges of the caverns.

Angora Island
Potential image.
Angora is a rather plain island. Vast expanses of hills and slopes a spread all over the land along with patches of large and small rocks with little to no clusters of trees. What give it its name are the hundreds of rabbit holes that are scattered everywhere. It is said the hares that inhabit the holes are white. The island can be seen from the coast and is only an easy swim away with rich hunting and salty breezes.

Rapides de la Rivière Noire (Dark River Rapdis)
Potential image.
As the south sister river flows from it's source toward it's delta south of the destroyed Firefly's Cabin, it drops from it's mountainous heights and flows through the rapids. They are highly dangerous if one falls into them as the rapids flow fast and a collision with any of the large rocks can result in unconsciousness. But when the salmon travel up for their spawning grounds, the sight is amazing to see and a lucky fisherman can catch a good meal. The water just before the rapids is clear as pure water.

Flux d'eau Claire (Streams of clear water)
Potential image.
Straight from a river's source, this stream is still clean and clear of silt and sediment, giving it anyone a straight view to the small silver fish easily seen from shore. Few fish, however, live in the cold spring water as it heads to the rapids to the southeast. Perfect for summer swimming as the water is always cold and always clean. Game animals frequent this area as the water is calm and the shore relatively peaceful and quiet. A couple of dilapidated summer cottages dot the nearby forest but most have fallen into dangerous disrepair.

The Fairy Lights
Potential image.
Located between Lunenburg and the western border of the kingdom, there are large fields in the woods. In the spring and summer, wild flowers erupt in the fields with bright colors abound from the species brought from Europe decades ago. When darkness sets in during the warm months, fireflies rise up and fill the fields with small lights as they enjoy the weather. One of the fields houses a gazebo and old wooden love seat swing. A path of cobble stone leads to nowhere, giving base to the story that the fairies built the gazebo and swing as a gift to those who loved the Fairy Lights.

The King's Cellar
Located in a centeral location for easy access for all of the pack. Once an old cement basement or cellar room of some sort, the wood structure that was above ground level has been torn down. The lumber re-purposed to build a smokehouse for preserving meat and the cool, covered cellar used for storage.

Kelevra/Harleigh Training Grounds (either name could be used, or a different one entirely)
North of the stables and across the steam lays a log cabin that was built by members of the pack and residence of Anann. While it is lightly wooded to the front of the cabin, in the back (passed Anann's fire pit) there is a large clearing. The naturally level ground making a great practice area all types of physical skills. Even some wooden cross dummies have been erected for practice with armed combat.

Jarris Beach
Though there is a dusting of sand, this part of the beach is, for the most part, made up entirely of rocks, with much of the ground being covered by small, smooth pebbles, and the occasional larger ones. A few flat, short boulders are scattered along the length of the beach, and are a nice place to bask in the sun. The water proves to be a good place to swim during the hot months of summer, and when food is scarce in the winter, it can provide a steady supply of shellfish to sustain the wolves, if they don’t mind standing in the icy water to get to them.

Calico Grove
Deep within the territory of Cour des Miracles lies a small grove of tightly-packed trees, a large open space found in the center. The trees are of varying types and come in a large variety of contrasting colors, particularly in the fall, giving this grove its name. It is difficult to see through the trunks from the outside of the grove to the inside, making it an ideal place for quiet thinking or secret meetings. Butterflies and dragonflies are common here in the spring, as well as many different species of birds, but it is not the home of many prey animals.

Sunshine Hill
This is a large grassy hill from which you can see for miles. Wildflowers dot the sides and the grass grows rich and green, and small bushes can be found near the base. It is the tallest landmark in this particular area of the pack's territory, and thus, it is nearly always basking in sunlight. This is a common place for puppies to be brought to play, as there are few hiding spots and they cannot get lost, but they can still play tag or roll down the hill safely.

The cave of Lascaux
Image 1, Image 2
On the cliffside coast of the Cour des Miracles packland, there is a small and ancient outcrop of land that juts towards the ocean. It can be found by passing between the points of Firefly's Cabin and the Arbes de le Falaise cliffs. The peninsula is an upward peak towards a formidable cliff-face, pocketed by many small caves. At the furthest point, there is a larger cave with a backward facing entrance that facesback down towards the heart of the packlands. It is a large, cavernous chamber, but the most remarkable aspect of this sacred place are the ancient and mystical pictures scratched into the stone of its walls. The cave of Lascaux is a haven from all sorts of foul weather, and a gallery from the beginning of time.

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