more than willing to offer myself

500+ words.

The King had met Alaine for the first time shortly after she had joined the pack of Miracles and he had been appalled by the way that she had been treated by Leroy then, though he himself had been nothing but a mere member, while the black and white dog had been one of the higher-ranked members of the pack. Vigilante had found Alaine to be polite, but scared, and a lovely woman to be around. He was glad that she had seemingly grown significantly more comfortable in the pack and that she was not one to be upset by the change of leadership so many months ago. It had been a difficult time when he had decided to step up in the complete absence of Jacquez for weeks at a time, and though some members had not been entirely pleased, the pack as a whole had accepted the change. Alaine had been one of the ones to more readily accept it, as far as he remembered, and he had wondered what her opinion had been of Jacquez that she had been unbothered.

Though he did not require it of his pack members, the King appreciated the respect with which the collie woman addressed both him and his son. "This is my son, Noah. Noah, this is Alaine Winters, the pack's Apothecary," he spoke with respect. He watched the small puppy in her arms for a moment before she was lowered to the ground, scenting more than simply the two females in the air, but he did not draw attention to the puppy or the Apothecary's absence. Alaine certainly had her reasons for calling him and there was no need to press her for information she may not be ready to give just yet. Though some might have been questioned immediately, the dog mutt King trusted Alaine and her judgement well enough to know that he could simply wait and she would explain. Noah pressed forward, peering through bicolored eyes at the white puppy with interest. He had only been exposed to his brother and, very briefly in the hotel during the storm, Princess and Haven's newborns. It intrigued him to see a puppy older than a few days that was not his brother.

He listened as she spoke again, and as he had expected, she was willing to tell him the things he was wondering without the need for him to ask, it seemed. Vigilante did what he could to remain available to his pack members at all times and he appreciated when they called for him, as she had done so now. "Do you wish to speak here, or somewhere that is warmer or perhaps more comfortable?" The King did not have a preference, as his coat was thick and his secui form added to his protection against the cold, but she had young puppies with her and he had his own son. He would allow her to decide and choose a place, should she wish to go somewhere, or they could simply walk together, or speak while their children played in the snow nearby.


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