Roll The Credits.
Ookami smiled as she transformed into her Secui form as well. He was still bigger than her and wondered how much bigger his Optime form would be than her's. "Would you like to go for a walk? Or do you need to get going?" He was tiered of sitting around and wanted to get some exercise. Granted he had just been traveling from AniWaya with two injured legs, a front and a back, but his front leg was feeling better and his back... He couldn't really feel his back leg. It had numbed although it was still swollen. Hopefully he would figure out what had happened to his ankle soon. He stretched, feeling cooped up and bored. He let out a massive yawn then chuckled when he was finished. If Jace couldn't go for a walk then he would take a nice long run then meet her later for the horse-riding lessons.

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