A never home
Continued from here.

It was a look that Jasper feared, the way his father's eyes shone with something that he wasn't quite certain of. Frowning to him, for lack of anything better running through his mind at that moment, Jasper could only stare at his father. He should have known not to bring her up, especially him, since he'd been the cause of the events that had happened so long ago. Now all that he could do was wait to see what would happen, to see just how much anger his question had brought from his father. Much to his surprise, though, the de le Poer boy was not met with anger but instead with an answer.

Ears fell flat suddenly, not wanting to hear the harsh truth that his father had to offer. Jasper would have much rather thought that his mother didn't want to be found, despite the fact that it likely meant that she didn't want her family anymore. It was better than thinking she was dead. "I didn't mean to make her go." He said finally, his voice a shaky whisper. He'd been wanting for so long to tell his siblings that he hadn't meant for it to happen, that he was sorry that he made her leave them, but he'd even lost all of them before given the chance. Now all he could do was tell his father.


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