We all follow the leader...
WC: 310 3 points

Makhesthai did not notice the doggish male approaching him until the large Aquila was almost upon him. His tattered right ear swiveled at a noise and his head turned to finally spot the leader . For a few seconds he simply gaped that the leader would take time out of his day to speak to a lowly member such as Makhesthai before he realized be was being offensively rude and dipped his head low to the male in a display that both of their dog/wolf blood would find acceptable and pleasing, the torn right ear flattening itself.

He had not much experience in his short life of how to deal with male adults of his kind and wavered uncertainly about what to do with his body before settling on the attitude he had adopted with Halo, he managed to somehow project the same respectful lowered stance even in his optime form. His orangey fur was still covered in dirt from his drawing and playing around, darkening the fur to a browny color and he nervously brushed some of it away with a hand.

"Yes sir, I am Makhesthai. Kaena says I can stay here for safe?" His eyes flicked up and he caught the red of the star that both Halo and Kaena held and also the golden of the male's eyes which reflected Kaena's eyes almost perfectly. He shifted backwards a little as the leader turned his head to see what Maki had been drawing in the dirt, the same Lykoi star that rested on the leader's shoulder had been etched into the loose soil and Maki smiled uncerteinly at the leader.

"I am not a horrible burden to the clan am I?" Despite how much Kaena had said otherwise, the words of his mother still rang in his mind strong enough that Maki believed he might be an annoyance to the clan.

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