[M] Dogs need to be put down

Lucifer lived life like it was a party, and he was the one that the party was for, there was a nice choice of drinks, and drugs. Women where toys, worthless little toys that a Patriarchy believer should. The black male believed that female should have no issues talking to a male, but should feel great honor if not pride when a male has feelings for her. The male was just what he needed to be for his life to work the best for him. Self-centered and heartless. It was however mean to call him heart less he did care; he cared about him-self and no one else. Lucifer lived where ever he wanted and did not care who he made upset, or what he had to steal to get to what he wanted.

Lucifer found him-self up a tree laying there as he injecting his arm with the choice drug. The male did not care who see it, frankly if anyone had an issue with him doing that he would offer to share, and if it was still an issue he would just simply have to try to place some in their body. The male pulled the needle out of his arm as he allowed the sudden numbing feeling rush though his body, started in arm and surged though his whole body, it was a wonderful light feelings.


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