I've been gone for far to long.


The tan and white female watched him bit down upon his wrist, breaking the skin and then breaking the blood of his own body, like he was feeding upon him-self to flue the vampire lust that was in old spooky human books. She was sickened, deeply sicked seeing that, but she could not find it within her to show any reaction to him, she was a blank slate, a sick dying blank slate. She was sure if the rock hadn’t been there for her to lean against she would have fallen down, Pontiac was sick, she was falling apart little by little since Itzal had disappeared, then when Ty came it did not help, she hated to turn him away but really he did not have her heart any more, or well what she had left of a heart the male did not have. The black male that stood in front of her with bleeding wrist had her heart and she would not let him know that he had that much power over her. ”I don’t know…You say you were protecting me, but you left me…I needed you and you left me. When I needed you the most after TY can to the borders looking to start over…You where not here…After I stood up and was willing to kill one of your pack members for hurting you…you where not there. “ She wanted to yell and scream at him, she wanted to throw things at him but she couldn’t. ”Fine..” She whispered in a hushed tone with a wave of the hand.

She pushed off the rock as she stepped back, she feel down hearing a pop in her ankle as it rolled back She closed her eyes as she laid there the pain hurt to bad to move, but her pride did not allow for her to ask for help either. She just was able to cry, as she gasped thought he numbing pain ”Fine…prove you still the male I feel in love with. I’ll let Naniko know I accepted you.” She lowered her head back down as she let the warm tears flow from her face to ground that her feet should have been on.


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