but are you here to stay? LEADER NEEDED

Character Name: Asphyxia Holocaust

Character Birthdate (including year): never specified to me. :\

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci (not applicable to non-canines): Luperci

Species (not applicable to canines): Coyote

Gender: Female

Your e-mail: friendsie_forever@hotmail.com

A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M). EmotasticPickles

How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: I've been here about two years with a couple characters. (:

Asphyxia was annoyed, her once beautiful black coat was turning into silver shit. She had been moody, everything was ruined and everyone moved. She found out where Inferni was now taking place, no fire could destroy that pack. Quiet and swiftly she made it safely and in hopes that all her family was okay. Naloxone had been trying to wean her off her drug and alcohol problem but after the fire all of them seemed to be misplaced and now she only wanted to see them again. Asphyxia was hungry, she hadn't eaten for a while, not to sure how long ago and that made her moody. She had been running around for days, Inferni the only place the bitch wanted to be. On all four, she thought she wanted to stay down and out of eye sight even though she was sure she could rip anything a part right then.

Muzzle touching ground, her nose moved around, just sniffing. Familiar smells crept up inside her nose and lead to her brain, all the memories. She threw her head back, and echoed a cold howl into the air. The coyote was doubtful that Inferni would have food but they were all eventually going to have to hunt, those wolves sounding tastier than ever. Sitting back on her haunches, the female awaited the arrival of someone, her patience declining less and less every minute she was left sitting there. The lady was in a fixed state though, she was able to save all her drugs and alcohol and she almost was in a drunken state.


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