The Best Medicine
sorry for the wait and crapness, so sorry for the fail post

Jace smiled a wolfy smile at her friend as he pressed his nose against her shoulder in greeting, the female dragged her tongue across his muzzle in a playful gesture, she yipped as he lowered his front end and darted to the side as he pawed at her face and giggled as the sound of an empty stomach reached her ears.

"It's good to see you too and yes it is sunny, outside of the trees." The female stretched out her legs with her tail still wagging behind her, it was good to see her old friend. Jace sat on her haunches and brought a hind leg forwards to scratch at an ear. Shaking her head she stood again

"Hunting sounds like fun, I don't remember the last time i had something larger than a rabbit." Her words were said in humor.

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