[M]-When I call, you shall come

WC:3+ <3 PP but it was okay

The black male wasn’t sure what he had said or done to make her be so cold to him, did the dapple grey babe not enjoy the night they spent together? Did she not like the warmth from having a male lying on top of her making love to her body? The black male just did not understand what he had done to make her upset with him; he did not see what was wrong with the gift that she had given back to him. Anger rose up into his sapphire blue eyes, one that shimmered in a soft light till the point she took it of her wrist and gave the bracelet back He looked at his black hand, and then back up to her, first hurt look came across his face, what had he done? What did he do to make her return the gift that he had thought of so hard to find for her, and worked hard to clean up for her. ”You’ll keep a damn broken glass, but something that looks NEW, YOU THROW AWAY?” He snarled as he took her wrist and then placed it back upon her wrist, his hands shook trying to hold back the feeling of anger that he was having, he wanted to smack her, break her wrist…something. He gave Dot a few warnings before he showed her who was really in charged, he did not want to hurt Bunny, and he liked Bunny. He didn’t want to hurt her; however he had to let her know that he was in charge.

He pulled his shaking hand away stepping back looking at her, he’s looks were clear that he was stressed and frazzled with a loss of what to do. ”I need you to understand me Bunny, Help me be what you want…please.” He would try to be that, what she wanted. He really would, however if he could that was something eles.


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