Letting it out

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Niro and Amaranth seemed to be like yin and yang, but they seemed to suit one another well. Later, after he was given time to accept the news that his daughter was pregnant at such a young age, he would realize that there was nothing awful in this. Yes, she was young, but he trusted Niro enough to be her mate, and he knew deep within that he would trust him to be the father of her children, his grandchildren. Later, all would calm down and the King would realize that it was a good and exciting thing, but at that moment in time, all he could think of was how young she was.

"Good," he said, his tone still tense. The dark-masked King did not wish to continue walking with Niro now, and he needed time to consider this news. "I should go." Emerald gaze turned away from the Huntsman as he spoke. "Take care of her," he warned. He would visit her soon, but the words needed to be spoken. If Niro did anything, anything that his daughter did not like, the King would have something to say for it. It was not his usual way of behaving, but he turned and began to walk away then, his thoughts rapid.


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