the faith you prove

Word Count → 5+

ooc:: <3

It had been two days since Alaine had made what she now considered one of the best, or worst, decision of her current life.

She had had two full days, two full and miserably endless days, to second guess every single word she had said to the de le Poer man; Ezekiel, his name had been, and he had Gabriel's and Elvira's golden eyes. The thought of him made her stomach clench painfully, and Nana reacted to her mistress' tension by tossing her great big head. This had a chain reaction, for the stallion trailing by a rope tethered to her pommel then began to snort and roll his big brown eyes. He was a handsome creature, a dappled chestnut with the long tips to his mane and tail a lighter sunstreaked hue. A well-muscled and rather immense creature, the yearling colt had just begun to grow taller than his older mother, and had thought himself able to throw some weight around. The broodmare, however, would have none of it - She knew stallions better than any horse-whisperer out there. Her son may have muscle, but she had weight, and while he bickered and complained she continued to drag him along despondently.

But what was she doing with the stallion in the first place? Well, it had started with some fowls roasting over a fire, and ended with a handshake. The as-yet unnamed horse (although Alaine had taken to calling him 'fella', so as not to confuse Nana) was soon to be in the ownership of the Infernian male, although she was not expecting him for another seven-day at the least. That did not explain her current situation, and as the mare and the yearling colt huffed and dragged their way beyond the Cour des Miracles stable, Alaine cursed her ill luck again. She wished fervently for Zeke's magic tongue, but had to settle with, "Wooah, now; calm yourself, Fella! By the breath of Morrigan, you will be the end of me!" She cursed the chestnut between gritted teeth, and guided her bay with clenched thighs towards the line of the forest.

Odette was back at the Chien Hotel, having amused herself with some of the residents there. Wanting to encourage this behaviour, Alaine had informed the girl of her intent to go herb-gathering, and had left before she had changed her mind. However, a very foul-tempered Vira was snuggled into the saddlebag on her right, while a wide-eyed Eli stared with owlish intent at the red-hued stallion prancing on his side.

Finally breaching the first line of pine trees, Alaine allowed herself to relax slightly. Now that they were away from the sounds of the stables and into the calming silence of the forest, the colt seemed to grow more curious and placid, walking with high steps and pricked ears rather than stiff movements and white-rimmed eyes. Nana plodded stoically on; it seemed nothing could surprise or excite the placid mare anymo-

The bay stopped suddenly, so much so that Alaine jolted forward in the saddle, and was forced to grab at the pommel to keep her seating. Nana's small ears flicked quizzically, her great big nostrils flared to suck in deep breaths. Her doe-brown eyes seemed to spark with sudden excitement, and her whinny rang out through the quiet pines. It seemed she had found the only thing apart from food that was dearest to her on the earth, and completely ignoring Alaine's frantic clucking and tugging on the reigns, had turned direction and headed off at a purposeful angle through the forest, her livid chestnut son prancing his great heavy hooves behind.

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