J- Waiting for someone to save me
OOC: Thanks! Smile

Through the misty haze of semi-consciousness Asaria was dimly aware of someone tapping her shoulder. She groaned, trying but not succeeding to open her eyes, coughing up blood mixed with vomit as she tried to sit up. It took her a moment to realize where she was and what had happened, and the memory alone was almost enough to make her pass out again. She rested quietly for a few seconds, then her eyes fluttered open, her long black eyelashes almost the only part of her body not stained with blood. Asaria examined the male in front of her. He was larger than her, but not by too much, and didn't seem dangerous to her, even in her fatally injured state.

"I-I think I'm going to die. I don't really know what happened, just that I bumped into a really sharp, vicious knife- like branch and lost a lot of blood and probably damaged my neck pretty badly," she managed to say as she crossed the border into delirium.

A few seconds later, she woke up again, feeling nothing below the middle of her back, but still able to move nevertheless. She felt her heart start beating faster and louder, as if she was drunk, until she couldn't stand it anymore and felt herself succumb to both her mind and her body's pain. Although she was still physically alive, the mental shock was even worse than the physical one, and would leave her unable to think normally for days. She sat up, ignoring the pain in her shoulder, waiting for her next 'instructions.'

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