the darkness comes (J - HIJAES, NEEDULUVU<3)

Claimed Sm. Family #4 for Tlantli&Citlali.

Tlantli and her charge followed the leader further into the caverns, and the Kimaris woman watched the walls with all the fascination of a child. Fiery-eyed, she listened to her snowy Angela, and sought a place they could be at home. As they were only two, she knew they would not need much space. Naniko explained that the caves were already there, and it surprised the newcomer; such large natural occurances were unknown to her, though they did have caves in Eterne. The story of the foundation of Anathema caught the full attention of the younger female; it had been made by family, a family she was now part of.

The dens they wound up before drew Tlantli's attention away from the white wolf. There were open dens, perfect for Citlali and she to hide within. She gave a subtle nod, stepping toward the nearest opening; inside, it was small, but seemed cozy enough. Other rooms seemed to branch off from the central region, offering both coyotes their own space. A smile crossed golden muzzle. "Aye think this ess parfect. Mucho gracias." Her new home was finalized as the Angela went her own way, leaving the coyotes to their own devices; soon, she'd be able to return to her hunt for her siblings, but for now she wanted to rest.

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