Scream through dreams that cut your voice off

Hybrid didn't like the look this boy was giving him. All he got in response was a sorry and that didn't quite cut it for him. He didn't what what the hell was wrong with this kid, wasn't sure if he wanted to know, but knew enough that it bugged him. He had a creeping, tingling sensation on edges of his skin that made his fur stand on edge. His hackles were still raised even though he'd pushed himself apart from the boy minutes ago. He didn't trust him and so he didn't relax his stance.

There was something wrong with him.

"What?" he demanded harshly. He took a single step closer to the boy. His single word revealed a single tooth in a cross between a sneer and some other confused expression. "What the fuck is it?" he sneered this time. He didn't know if the snot was sorry or not. He just didn't like him. Before, it had been because he'd just attacked him. Of course that would fucking piss him right off. But now, just a single word had cemented this dislike. What the fuck was he expecting?


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