by the lifeform
So sorry for the delay, Adam. Firefly Fields.

Pendzez sat on the cold ground in the Firefly Fields. Why was he doing this, he was meditating, something that he usually did. It was morning, the sun just becoming visible over the mountains. He sat quietly, with his legs crossed, his hands resting on his knees, his eyes closed, his sword still sheathed, in front of him. He didn't mutter any verbal rhythms or chants, like some humans often did in their meditations. His was more of Buddhist meditation.

The purpose of this was to relax his body, and calm the mind. However, despite his thoughts concentrating on this, it didn't mean that he was unaware of his surrounds. In a way, this rumination heightens his other senses, including hearing, sensing presence, and smell. Even a playful sneek up from behind would be ineffective, not that he didn't like a playful sneek up.

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