Hatred Bites
Xerxes snapped back to real life. Clare's parents had died too. She had lost the ones near her but she didn't show it at all. Xerxes' body showed his life all over him. Any cat could see he had problems. Why hadn't Clare fallen apart like him? but a better question arouse, Why had he fallen into such a despair? {Because you're weak!} [Shut up] But Xerxes was weak. His battling skills had turned to mush because of his usually unhesitating way. He never practiced a good way to battle he just attacked. No plan. He didn't want to think in his mind though. It might try to destroy the fight and get him hurt again so he could be laughed at by it. He never though anything out. He remembered the time when he was a skilled fight. He could kill someone before they even knew he was there. But now is different..... maybe he could still change back.

Clare was right he needed to get over the past and his kill was getting cold. He walked back over and sat next to Clare and quietly ate. The meat was tasty and he ate as much as he could. He sat up and licked his chops. He looked at Clare who was still eating. If he wasn't looking at her he wouldn't have know she was there because of how quiet she was. Her coat shined and the sun hit it. Maybe today wasn't going to be a bad day.

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