Am I invisible...or do you just not care?
He heard her approach as she moved even closer to him and the anger so great it came off of her in scentable waves, the woman was very very upset and angry and Maki did not want to get in the way of her fury no matter how much he wanted to run forth and comfort the red Lykoi woman. She had fought with her father over matters he did not know and most likely would not understand so he could offer her nothing vocal for which to soothe her hurt away.

The larger woman turned and snapped and snarled, warning him to stay away, and he could just about make out her outline in the darkness, all stiff limbs and bristled fur, with teeth gleaming as her body spoke what her mouth did also. "Leave me be, child." The small boy backed off from her a little to give her the space she desired and lowered his ear, even though he was most likely invisible in the night. The young infernian bowed his head down, his blue eyes gleaming in the blackness before he moved to his paws and turned away from her,

"Sorry Ma'am, didn't mean to cause you no trouble." The coybrid began to walk away from the woman although not too quickly in case she changed her mind about wanting to have company.

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