Its a cold and broken Hallelujah
Ayita smiled looking at her mate she was so happy to see her daughter like this. They would be so close for the first time ever mother and daughter able to be together. Her bright blue eyes cast on her daughter who finally had a moment to rest. She was happy to hear that she would wait to name the child. The boy would have a wonderful name and he would be raised with love.
Ayita had time to clean her hands and relax as she allowed time to just slide by. She could not rush birth there was no way. Humans were able to but if they were to do that Amaranth would die. There were no such medical things in this world now. She was glad to just have basic things.
Amaranths contractions were coming in stronger again and ayita was glad. She wanted her daughter to have her happy little family. ”Push dear” She said lightly as she saw the strain on her daughters face. She knew this was hard on her and she hoped that the remaining pup or pups were healthy and fine like the little boy. She tried to keep her daughter going as she stopped the strain on her young body must just be to much.
Finally Amaranth was able to listen to her mother and she pushed. Blue eyes cast on the task at hand. She grabbed a towel and help ease on out as a second began to emerge. She was stunned to see the two so close. What shocked her more to see how identical they looked at this point almost like twins. She gently rubbed the puppies trying to get them to breath but she could tell that both were never going to breath. Right now she wished that she had taught Amaranth only one language not both because she could say what she didn’t want to say.
Blue eyes filled with sorrow as She looked at Niro and Amaranth who was resting. Then she looked at her mate and the love of her life. Taking the blanket she wrapped the two girls lightly. ”they’re still born.” She said looking at Niro. Her hands shook as she picked up the gently wrapped girls. ”I’m so sorry.” She turne to look at Vigi they had lost one little girl, but they were older and Amaranth was young and had issues no to have this she wasn’t sure the girl could take it.

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