And so we meet

Jace let go of the carcass and allowed herself to pant, the chase had taken more out of her than it usually did thanks to the wrigglers squirming around inside of her womb, and they were wrigglers, moving around constantly and stopping her from sleeping in the night. She would be glad when they were developed enough to join her in the outside world and then they would be disturbing her sleep with yelps and yips. She watched as the Fuehrer slunk away from the freshly killed deer carcass, obviously giving her space to eat first as a higher ranking member. Jace didn't really see is as necessary as there were only two of them and the whole deer instead of a huge pack all surrounding the doe.

The female shook off her thoughts and tore into the deer's carcass, pulling off chunks of meat and chewing them up before swallowing. Her stomach growled its happiness as it was filled because she hadn't eaten in a while. As the woman ate her fill she kept her eyes wary looking out for someone who would steal their food the same as Ty was doing, two sets of eyes were better than one as two sets of teeth were better than one. Eventually Jace sighed and she could eat no more, feeling more full than she had for a while the Praeas pulled off a sizable chunk of meat from the carcass for Temo and sat back motioning with her head to Ty that he could eat.

Jace took Ty's place as guard and sentry, glaring at some crows that dared to get too close, the black birds cawed to each other and Jace moved around to growl at them so they flew into the trees before returning back to the chunk she had saved for Temo. Her eyes swept over the scarred warrior and she realised she didn't really know much about the orange male which genuinely saddened her. She waited until he was finished before attempting to strike up a conversation with him,

"So Ty, i'm curious. Where do you come from?"

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