Sandy Shores


Slay's white-tipped ears flicked back uncomfortably, and he glanced downward at the swirling water. How to explain? His condition defined almost everything about him, so to use just a few simple words seemed... inadequate. Yet, would it be better to downplay it, for his new friend? It wasn't often that he met wolves willing to run with him like Cer, especially after seeing him collapse into slumber. Most times when he woke up, he was alone again. So she deserved a fair explanation. And she would be his packmate, so they needed to trust each other. It was just... difficult... to open up about something like this.

"...It's... Well, it's something I've had all my life. It's called narcolepsy, or just a sleeping sickness. My family wasn't... Well, my pack had to... There was a lot of inbreeding, so there were a lot of unstable wolves. I was born with a sound mind, or pretty sound, anyway, but - I got stuck with this condition."

His voice started out rough and uncertain, but as he finally let out the explanation he'd been carrying unspoken for years, he became more comfortable. Slay was still looking away, though, watching his reflection in the ripples of the ocean. It was easier to pretend he was talking to himself again.

"It's... basically what you saw. I'll just randomly fall asleep sometimes, even in mid-sentence. It's just for a few minutes, but I have... really awful nightmares, so I get all disoriented afterwards. I can't really sleep well at night, though, which is why I collapse a lot. Er, not a lot, just when I get emotional or I let my mind wander too far. I... Er, is this too weird? You've probably never heard of anything like this before, Cer... I'm sorry for rambling."

The big male finally glanced up at his companion, trying to gauge her reaction. Hopefully she wouldn't grow distant, not now... He didn't notice that when he grew serious, he called her by name, rather than by pet name.

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