Coming Undone
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I steal thread now. <3 Btw, we should decide what happened in the last thread.

ETA: I was writing this and Laurent posted... didn't see it until now. If I shouldn't be here, feel free to delete this.

It didn't take long to get there. Bag resting on her shoulder, she wandered the old university, drawn by a scent she barely recognised, and buildings that piqued both her curiosity and her caution. They were so old; they couldn't be safe. But there was a surreal aura to them, something that made her heart beat a little faster with anticipation, and she couldn't resist moving up the stairs of one, stepping soft and silent as she could, for fear of the building collapsing. It seemed stable enough, but one could never be sure. Her eyes searched every inch for cracks or missing boards, finding neither, and continuing forward. Suddenly, a sound caught her attention, and her hand froze on the door, which held a lingering scent. Who had been here? Were they still here? Perhaps someone new; she wouldn't mind a little company. The scent was familiar, but she'd not known everyone from the old lands, so it may have been someone formly from there.

She was in need of new clothes and some paper, which was why she was here. Glancing around, she caught a glimpse of red. Then it was gone. Listening closely, there was someone walking, and a slight squeaking sound, each squeak echoed by a creak of floorboards. Moving quietly, she made her way towards the sound, until finally, she was looking at a male with a wagon. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. The scent, how familiar it had been, how comforting. She leaned against a wall, which gave an agonized creak, and spoke softly, but loud enough to be heard.

'Ello, little brother. ... nh-ftr.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 396px; height: 86px;"> 


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