Coming Undone
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Anka watched the ordeal with amusement, her dark form lingering in the shadows, only the flicker of crimson eyes shining from within. The obvious tension in the air made her want to drag the moment out, make Jasper and her little friend wait. It crossed her mind that he hadn't seemed the type to aquire friends, especially not ones who allowed themselves to be tackled. For a moment, she was the slightest bit jealous; Jasper seemed fond of this male, but his memory of her clearly had ceased to exist. Or perhaps it had never existed at all. Either way, she was a bit insulted. She pushed it away and stepped out of the shadows; the fun in this game was no more. As she moved forward to lean against the wall closer to the two males, the sun flashed into her eyes, shocking her, and tears sparked in defense. This didn't look good. Jasper would think she was a former lover, more likely than his elder half-sister whom he'd only met once. Still, she met the eyes of the male she was not familiar with, and laughed softly, folding her arms, eyes full of cynicism.

She addressed the unknown male in a tone that that expressed what she didn't say: 'I don't like you.' Whoever you are, you can back off your defenses. I'm not going to hurt him." She fought to urge to roll her eyes, something she must have picked up hereditarily, because hell if she'd ever seen either of her parents do it, at least not that she remembered. Giving the male before her the up and down, she snorted. "Oh, and... Humour me, child, and have some composure. I'm his half sister." Readjusting her bag on her shoulder, she yawned softly. She had grown a lot in the wake of the fire, learnt to stand on her own. She was no longer the same nervous, pathetic little girl she once was, but rather more focused, more mature in her demeanor. There had been a time that a situation like this would have thrown her into a temper tantrum, a panic attack, or both. But this male was laughable. Truly.

She spoke to Jasper now. "Hey, little brother. Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" ... nh-ftr.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 396px; height: 86px;"> 


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