This river that we ride has always been alive


She could feel the Spring on the air, the Sun was shining brighter and brighter with each passing day and Anu could tell their distance was shortening. The world seemed to be moving once again, no longer in the stagnant hold of winter. The pack had been set free from the walls of Haven Manor and Anu had found her place at the pack’s borders once more. It was her duty to search them for intruders, just as it was her natural instinct.

But, despite that obligation the female was a wanderer at heart. She could be caught day dreaming, watching the clouds or (just as she was doing now) examining the dormant trunk of a small yearling tree. Delicate fingers touched the bark that had been ripped off, her heart singing a soft song of sorrow for the tree that had hardly begun to live and would not likely die from the teeth of a hungry deer. The clearing had begun to sprout new trees, but she was afraid that this one would not grow like the lucky aged giants that stood to her back.

The wolf walked around the clearing, weaving between the desperately growing trees to leave her scent. She would return, to hunt these grounds and hopefully keep prey from returning to damage the saplings more. The fey gave a huff, kneeling once more to look at the tree’s injury. But as she did there was a call that came to her ears. Anu stood, finding that the vocals asked for her specifically. It was masculine, and such a thing confused her. She knew the tones of her sons, and she had even memorized the voice of the Inferni alpha. Who was this that looked for her?

Anu took to a jog in her Optime form, but found that the scent of the calling beast was not far at all. She slowed, now knowing that it was Nayati that had come for her. She appeared from the forest, a silver form among the snow and between the tall giants that guarded her home. A smiled played along her features, but she was soft in her greeting. Welcome Nayati.

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