You Certainly (J)est

Wow, you just had your own post-attack didn't ya? o.0 It's also occurred to me that our men need another M thread -w- *gets all shifty-eyed* >.> Although not this one cuz...well, it's a joining thread. Poor Meghann should she have to read it and didn't like the smexiness! D:

Noss 'hurumphed' in his amusement, the much quieter version of a chuckle. Just as he supposed it amused Strel to torment him, that particular road went both ways. That, and watching the redhead squirm was so uncommon that he savored it when he could. And then the scolding started, making Noss feel immediately like a masochist when his first emotion was 'home sweet home'. Yeah, he was totally messed up in the head. To contradict the lavender-eyed man Noss puffed out his chest with air, comically trying to prove Strel's point. Yes, he missed this. Not even Naka could be this easy-going with him, or even Ralla since she did not have the care to be so bitingly witty. Just Strel.

Noss let the air escape from his chest when he was poked, letting himself chuckle without restraint now. Alright, so he had tried to be serious, but without the leader there he saw no more point in restraining their normal behavior. Well, save for the things that would certainly raise some eyebrows, but he could always jump Strel's bones later. "Not really. Cause I'd likely break their arms to get them off." Noss wondered if he went too far with that one--if there really was someone else--because all of a sudden Strel got serious, too. But that also turned out to be a false fear as Strel resumed, making Noss cross off 'breaking arms' on his to-do list. Noss momentarily wondered if the hand on his chest, fingers splayed out, could hear his heart, which had sped up a few beats since seeing Strel. Curse the honest organ... Noss let his arms raise from their positions at his sides, previously hanging there uselessly, to hold Strel by the shoulders. Strel was so close to him, and Noss was not ignorant to some of his body language. He sighed with content and hugged Strel close, happy to be there. I blame the moon, he said in response to his have going soft.

The moment was short-lived when Strel pushed him away, earning him a slightly quizzical look. "Well, I could stay in AniWaya, where everything's familiar and...homey," he said for lack of better words. "Or I could stay here and be with you." This one had a genuine smile, which was the rarest thing to find on the man. "If I wanted a place like AniWaya I would've stayed in the Moon Tribe. I didn't return for Ralla's tribe or for Cours." Realizing what he'd said prompted a blush to his cheeks, although he'd said much worse before. Perhaps the more he'd say it the less embarrassing it'd get. I doubt it... "Although," he said with a resigning sigh, "it'd be a hell lot harder to stay in Cours and not join. I don't think your king would like someone like me staying as a guest forever."

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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