Fading night
OOC: Harr.. I just realized the area Isk claimed her den in is right outside the lands that the 'Sadira' clan has claimed.. Go me.. I'm so retarded.

The lady of silver and gold had taken to exploring the lands she'd 'claimed', though truly she was no more the mistress of the lands than anyone else who wandered through the woods, they were where she called home now. Iskata Sadira knew there were others of her hereditary clan in this whole new world but she preferred not to find them, or be found by them anymore than she wanted to see anyone. Right now the quite forest and abandon beach was her family and she liked it thatway.

Her paws were carrying her across the old asphalt that trailed a broken path through the woods and towards the sea. The tangy scent of salt stung her nose and the sound of the gulls was annoying at times. She'd never really liked gulls, but that didn't stop her from padding down the trail to explore the new frontier. She had been about her trekking some time before the sunlight had started to crack through the branches and filter to the ground, soon enough she found herself at the edge of the road with sands blowing across the empty extension of land, her fur whipped and ruffled by the cutting winds that darted to a fro on the currents.

The bright sunlight was almost too much for her after so long being in the woods but she managed. She always just seemed to manage. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts from her mind she set a determined look to her face as she crossed out of the woodlands and down the path to the outskirts of the lands to explore.

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