in other words, anarchy

This woman was pitiful. Every move she had made so far had been predictable and easy with no method, she might as well of skipped over and sat in the girl’s lap for there was no sense of challenge in this dual. The opposing snarl had only brought an insulting smile from the woman’s toothy grin, knowing that the other female’s threats were as empty as the attacks she was performing. The end was nearing and the woman sought to seek out the strength of this yellow vermin.

She had recovered well but seized to produce another sloppy attack and the girl would let her guarantee one firm hit at least, with frozen ice eyes watching the woman as she threw herself at her with hands aiming for her stomach. The impact was quite strong against her crunching abdominal muscles yes, but she had been hit far harder and despite the force of the golden yellow palms against her she didn’t move whatsoever. Instead of a look of pain or grievance in her eyes that would give her opponent some acknowledgement that their aim was descent the woman returned a carefully orchestrated smirk to the individual, hinting their attack was useless. Her arms sought to clench the wrists that seeked to pummel into her stomach, hands burning to trap her unworthy flesh between them and crush it together until she were to squeal for mercy.


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