there i was with my back to the wall
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Kansas hurt. His head hurt, his heart hurt. He never thought he’d feel this way, truly – one knew feeling hopeless was a possibility, but it was never expected. Not until it actually happened. He had wandered around the new territory, trying in vain to find someone he recognized. Today he happened to end up in a place where pathetic-looking grass grew here and there, and boulders were scattered everywhere like small mines. Dare he step on them? He wouldn’t want to lose himself, too. He thought of Phoenix, Iskata, his siblings… Were they all gone? He’d asked himself this question many times, but it never got old.

Kansas had nothing with him. His hands were empty. He sat upon a flat stone, his knees drawn to his chest. He had cried enough, and although he felt just as bad as he had a few days earlier, there were no tears left. His paw drifted to his muzzle, where the two burns on its side were healing slowly. But they were uncomfortable, and he knew the scars would be there forever. He thought of Naniko… was she here? He didn’t allow himself to hope for something so wonderful. His hand settled back around his leg, and he just sat there, the breeze ruffling his gold fur and his eyes shut tightly.

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