Murderer of a Murderer
OOC: will be adding to this laaaater Big Grin


Once her short ritual was complete Shawchert set the bag and the surrounding kindling on fire, Jace watched as the fire gained in strength and height with still eyes that only had mind for the grain sack that was quickly disintegrating around the flesh and bone but by the time the bag had burnt completely to bits the head was well concealed by the roaring fire. The flames filled the sky with greasy black smoke that made her lungs ache although she gave no sign that this was the case, the scent of sizzling skin and fat was soon filling their noses as the murderer burned and shriveled before their eyes.

They stayed together long into the afternoon and early evening watching the fire burn first more intense and then when it reached its peak and lessened, by that time their bones and flesh of Argul were naught but thick ash, fragments of charred bone and nothingness. As the last of the fire burnt itself out Jace stood to her feet and brushed at her fur in case any of the ash had managed to collect in it. Now his spirit was gone she had nothing more to add to this conversation that could keep her here. With a short sigh the woman turned her back on the dead fire, on Shawchert and on the spirit of his son and began walk back in the direction she had come from, she stopped for just a second and turned her head slightly,

"May the Great Wolf, Fenrir smile his favor down upon you and yours Shawchert Menue. Goodbye..." and like the ghosts or spirits of the dead that she believed in, Jace disappeared into the night with barely a sound, fading away into the dusk as though she had never been, only her lingering scent remaining on the grass

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