Seeking a friend or two in a still new environment
Upon the male sticking his butt in the air and wagging his tail, Roran had done the same and barked happily. At that exact moment the fly returned and landed on his head. Just as he was about to attack it once more, the male charged him and he spun quickly, making it so that the male just barely bit his ear. He barked in laughter as the male ran a ways away, then back towards him. He steadied himself and when he was about to turn to miss him, he leapt forward and tackled him.

At this exact moment, the fly returned and buzzed around his head, temporarily hypnotized by the insect, he forgot about the other wolf and shook his head wildly, trying to get the fly off. This allowed the male to get the distance away as he dislodged the fly from his head. He spun and barked at him, charging at him with his tongue playfully hanging out of his mouth. He jumped over him with the skill of a wild wolf and landed on the other side. Before the other male could turn, he jumped forward and latched onto his tail playfully.

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