I need you
Those words echoed through her ears, and she weakly looked up to her handsome man. How had they gotten here? How had a simple fun little romp in town that evolved into a misunderstanding, and then into a fight, and then into makeup sex, and now to where they were declaring their love for each other. But Demi didn’t have too much time to consider this line of though, weakness drove through her. She knew he was hurt too, by the scent of their intermingling blood, but she didn’t know how badly. She could tell even though her eyes where closed that he had struggled to his feet with her small body in his arms. Normally he’d have no trouble completely lifting her and placing her in any position he wished, much to her own enjoyment from time to time. This time she was just glad for his strength, she wouldn’t be able to walk much less crawl in her shape.

“Your hurt” she squeaked softly, his injury coming to the forefront of her mind above her own. There was indeed a reason she was a healer, even if she was quite miserable with her bedside manner. A soft hand went to his shoulder as her eyes opened softly as he walked her back to the cave. It was a good thing; it kept her mind from slipping into sleep, kept her wits about her with worry for him. An injury to him was much more of a problem to the pack than one to her. He had to remain strong, a warrior to protect not be hurt and a cripple.

She sank her head into his chest, as the pain started to set in again. Soft muffled cries escaped her lips as all will to stay strong seemed to fall away from her.

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